


    All merchandise from our shop includes our warranty! Our warranty is basically our promise to provide our customers with the absolute best support possible, making sure everything is done professionally & swiftly, to accommodate everyone who need help using our merchandise.

    Don’t speak English? Our warranty guarantees our support team not giving up on you. We will do our absolute best to communicate with you using Google Translate & basic English words when communicating. Our support team is trained to use basic English words when trying to communicate with customers who don’t speak English, which is usually easier to understand.

    Our support team is always open to voice-calling & screen-sharing on Discord to make everything more organized & easier to understand! Let’s be honest, gaming can be difficult at times, especially when you don’t know much about the items we sell, setting up files can be confusing & stressful, which is exactly why we strive to help our customers as much as we possibly can.